[Community] Shapely 1.2.16 released
Sean Gillies
2012-09-18 17:53:04 UTC
Dear all,

1.2.16 is tagged and an sdist has been uploaded to PyPI. Changes:

1.2.16 (2012-09-18)
- Add ops.unary_union function.
- Alias ops.cascaded_union to ops.unary_union when GEOS CAPI >= (1,7,0).
- Add geos_version_string attribute to shapely.geos.
- Ensure parent is set when child geometry is accessed.
- Generate _speedups.c using Cython when building from repo when missing,
stale, or the build target is "sdist".
- The is_simple predicate of invalid, self-intersecting linear rings now
returns ``False``.
- Remove VERSION.txt from repo, it's now written by the distutils setup script
with value of shapely.__version__.

Sean Gillies