Jachym Cepicky
2013-10-14 19:04:27 UTC
Hi all Geo-Pythonists,
[please spread between communities, sorry for crossposting]
today, we (me, Tom Kralidis and Angelos Tzotsos) had IRC discussion (on
#geopython channel), and we all came to conslusion, that it it would be
nice, to share some code base and start to work on common OWS-server
implementation, which could cover needs of various projects (currently
PyWPS and pycsw), for their server-side implementation.
As you might know, PyWPS started to be rewritten from scratch and some
currently used approaches seems to be interesting for others as well.
Pycsw is on the other hand widely used, they are both OGC OWS
implementations and so, they have some common needs (for example
Exception handelings, the whole server-side infrastructure, etc.).
So we would like to invite all members of the (open source) geo-python
community to join us on OWSLib-dev mailing list [1] (because the library
could be part of it, as owslib/server) within a week from now.
The discussion will start there beginning with *monday 24.10.2013*.
Please, drop short information about you and project, you are interested
most to this list, once you are connected, so that we know, each other.
We would also like to join the Vienna Code sprint [2] in next year, and
push the work further forward, if the discussion will lead to common work.
See you at owslib-devel
Jachym (on behalf of Tom and Angelos)
[1] http://lists.osgeo.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/owslib-devel
[2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Vienna_Code_Sprint_2014
Jachym Cepicky
jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
PGP: http://les-ejk.cz/pgp/JachymCepicky.pgp
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[please spread between communities, sorry for crossposting]
today, we (me, Tom Kralidis and Angelos Tzotsos) had IRC discussion (on
#geopython channel), and we all came to conslusion, that it it would be
nice, to share some code base and start to work on common OWS-server
implementation, which could cover needs of various projects (currently
PyWPS and pycsw), for their server-side implementation.
As you might know, PyWPS started to be rewritten from scratch and some
currently used approaches seems to be interesting for others as well.
Pycsw is on the other hand widely used, they are both OGC OWS
implementations and so, they have some common needs (for example
Exception handelings, the whole server-side infrastructure, etc.).
So we would like to invite all members of the (open source) geo-python
community to join us on OWSLib-dev mailing list [1] (because the library
could be part of it, as owslib/server) within a week from now.
The discussion will start there beginning with *monday 24.10.2013*.
Please, drop short information about you and project, you are interested
most to this list, once you are connected, so that we know, each other.
We would also like to join the Vienna Code sprint [2] in next year, and
push the work further forward, if the discussion will lead to common work.
See you at owslib-devel
Jachym (on behalf of Tom and Angelos)
[1] http://lists.osgeo.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/owslib-devel
[2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Vienna_Code_Sprint_2014
Jachym Cepicky
jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
PGP: http://les-ejk.cz/pgp/JachymCepicky.pgp
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