[Community] ANN: GeoPandas 0.2 released
Joris Van den Bossche
2016-07-05 00:55:48 UTC
We are happy to announce the release of GeoPandas 0.2.

It is a major release, accumulating work of the past two years. Thanks to
Kelsey Kjordhal for the release, and to all the contributors for making
this release possible.

See the revamped documentation: http://geopandas.readthedocs.io/en/stable/

If you are using Anaconda/miniconda, you can install it with conda from the
conda-forge channel:

conda install -c conda-forge geopandas

Alternatively, you can also install it with pip (assuming the dependencies
are installed):

pip install geopandas

What is it?

GeoPandas is an open source project to make working with geospatial data in
python easier. GeoPandas combines the capabilities of pandas and shapely,
providing geospatial operations in pandas and a high-level interface to
multiple geometries to shapely. GeoPandas enables you to easily do
operations in python that would otherwise require a spatial database such
as PostGIS.

What is new?


* Complete overhaul of the documentation
* Addition of ``overlay`` to perform spatial overlays with polygons (#142)
* Addition of ``sjoin`` to perform spatial joins (#115, #145, #188)
* Addition of ``__geo_interface__`` that returns a python data structure
to represent the ``GeoSeries`` as a GeoJSON-like ``FeatureCollection``
and ``iterfeatures`` method (#178)
* Addition of the ``explode`` (#146) and ``dissolve`` (#310, #311) methods.
* Addition of the ``sindex`` attribute, a Spatial Index using the optional
dependency ``rtree`` (``libspatialindex``) that can be used to speed up
certain operations such as overlays (#140, #141).
* Addition of the ``GeoSeries.ix`` coordinate indexer to slice a GeoSeries
on a bounding box of the coordinates (#55).
* Improvements to plotting: ability to specify edge colors (#173), support
the ``vmin``, ``vmax``, ``figsize``, ``linewidth`` keywords (#207),
for chloropleth plots (#210), color points by specifying a colormap
(#186) or
a single color (#238).
* Larger flexibility of ``to_crs``, accepting both dicts and proj strings
* Addition of embedded example data, accessible through

API changes:

* In the ``plot`` method, the ``axes`` keyword is renamed to ``ax`` for
consistency with pandas, and the ``colormap`` keyword is renamed to
for consistency with matplotlib (#208, #228, #240).

Bug fixes:

* Properly handle rows with missing geometries (#139, #193).
* Fix ``GeoSeries.to_json`` (#263).
* Correctly serialize metadata when pickling (#199, #206).
* Fix ``merge`` and ``concat`` to return correct GeoDataFrame (#247, #320,


Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release! In alphabetical order:

Adam Greenhall
Dani Arribas-Bel
Jacob Wasserman
James McBride
Jeffrey Gerard
Joris Van den Bossche
Kelsey Jordahl
Matthew Bartos
Matthew Perry
Maximilian Albert
Micah Cochran
Sean Gillies
Shaun Walbridge

Please report any issues, or request new features via our GitHub repository:


-- The GeoPandas developers
