[Community] [mapserver]: layerObj.setFilter() on a Shapefile backed WMS layer
James Mills
2013-12-09 02:21:40 UTC
Hi all,

Hoping someone with experience with mapserver + mapscript and can help me
solve this.
Here's the question I posted over at:

I'll repeat here for accessibility:

Basically I'm trying to call layerObj.setFilter() on a Shapefile backed WMS
layer. e.g:

layerObj = mapscript.layerObj(map)
layerObj.setFilter("id = 1")

Problem is this doesn't seem to have any effect on the resulting tile(s).
It's as if it wasn't filtered at all.

I've tried this directly on the mapfile as well by setting:

FILTER "id = 1"

But same result (no effect).

Thanks in advance!


James Mills / prologic

E: prologic at shortcircuit.net.au
W: prologic.shortcircuit.net.au
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