Christian Ledermann
2012-06-27 07:19:18 UTC
I have a first working draft of a library that reads and writes kml
files on github:
fastkml is a library to read, write and manipulate kml files.
The aims are to keep it simple and fast (using lxml if available).
Fast refers to the time you spend to write and read KML files
as well as the time you spend to get aquainted to the library or to
create KML objects. It provides a subset of KML and is aimed at
documents that can be read from multiple clients such as openlayers
and google maps rather than to give you all functionality that KML
on google earth provides.
Geometries are handled as shapely objects. This is a restriction
that I can live with and you will seldom find KML files that implement
more complex geometries.
Geometries are limited to the geometry and multigeometry types shapely
provides (Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon
and LinearRing). While KML allows for more abstract MultiGeometries
consisting of a combination of Points, LineStrings and LinearRings,
this is not supported in fastkml
You can find more examples in the included file, here is a
<ns0:Document id="docid">
<ns0:name>doc name</ns0:name>
<ns0:description>doc description</ns0:description>
<ns0:Folder id="fid">
<ns0:name>f name</ns0:name>
<ns0:description>f description</ns0:description>
<ns0:Folder id="nested-fid">
<ns0:name>nested f name</ns0:name>
<ns0:description>nested f description</ns0:description>
<ns0:Folder id="id2">
<ns0:Placemark id="id">
Read a KML file
... <Document>
... <name>Document.kml</name>
... <open>1</open>
... <Style id="exampleStyleDocument">
... <LabelStyle>
... <color>ff0000cc</color>
... </LabelStyle>
... </Style>
... <Placemark>
... <name>Document Feature 1</name>
... <styleUrl>#exampleStyleDocument</styleUrl>
... <Point>
... <coordinates>-122.371,37.816,0</coordinates>
... </Point>
... </Placemark>
... <Placemark>
... <name>Document Feature 2</name>
... <styleUrl>#exampleStyleDocument</styleUrl>
... <Point>
... <coordinates>-122.370,37.817,0</coordinates>
... </Point>
... </Placemark>
... </Document>
... </kml>"""
<ns0:Style id="exampleStyleDocument">
<ns0:name>Document Feature 1</ns0:name>
<ns0:name>ANOTHER NAME</ns0:name>
Best Regards,
Christian Ledermann
Nairobi - Kenya
Mobile : +254 702978914
If you save the living environment, the biodiversity that we have left,
you will also automatically save the physical environment, too. But If
you only save the physical environment, you will ultimately lose both.
1) Don?t drive species to extinction
2) Don?t destroy a habitat that species rely on.
3) Don?t change the climate in ways that will result in the above.
I have a first working draft of a library that reads and writes kml
files on github:
fastkml is a library to read, write and manipulate kml files.
The aims are to keep it simple and fast (using lxml if available).
Fast refers to the time you spend to write and read KML files
as well as the time you spend to get aquainted to the library or to
create KML objects. It provides a subset of KML and is aimed at
documents that can be read from multiple clients such as openlayers
and google maps rather than to give you all functionality that KML
on google earth provides.
Geometries are handled as shapely objects. This is a restriction
that I can live with and you will seldom find KML files that implement
more complex geometries.
Geometries are limited to the geometry and multigeometry types shapely
provides (Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon
and LinearRing). While KML allows for more abstract MultiGeometries
consisting of a combination of Points, LineStrings and LinearRings,
this is not supported in fastkml
You can find more examples in the included file, here is a
from fastkml import kml
from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString, Polygon
k = kml.KML()
ns = '{}'
d = kml.Document(ns, 'docid', 'doc name', 'doc description')
f = kml.Folder(ns, 'fid', 'f name', 'f description')
nf = kml.Folder(ns, 'nested-fid', 'nested f name', 'nested f description')
f2 = kml.Folder(ns, 'id2', 'name2', 'description2')
p = kml.Placemark(ns, 'id', 'name', 'description')
p.geometry = Polygon([(0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0), (1, 0, 1)])
print k.to_string(prettyprint=True)
'<ns0:kml xmlns:ns0="">from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString, Polygon
k = kml.KML()
ns = '{}'
d = kml.Document(ns, 'docid', 'doc name', 'doc description')
f = kml.Folder(ns, 'fid', 'f name', 'f description')
nf = kml.Folder(ns, 'nested-fid', 'nested f name', 'nested f description')
f2 = kml.Folder(ns, 'id2', 'name2', 'description2')
p = kml.Placemark(ns, 'id', 'name', 'description')
p.geometry = Polygon([(0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0), (1, 0, 1)])
print k.to_string(prettyprint=True)
<ns0:Document id="docid">
<ns0:name>doc name</ns0:name>
<ns0:description>doc description</ns0:description>
<ns0:Folder id="fid">
<ns0:name>f name</ns0:name>
<ns0:description>f description</ns0:description>
<ns0:Folder id="nested-fid">
<ns0:name>nested f name</ns0:name>
<ns0:description>nested f description</ns0:description>
<ns0:Folder id="id2">
<ns0:Placemark id="id">
Read a KML file
from fastkml import kml
doc = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
... <kml xmlns="">doc = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
... <Document>
... <name>Document.kml</name>
... <open>1</open>
... <Style id="exampleStyleDocument">
... <LabelStyle>
... <color>ff0000cc</color>
... </LabelStyle>
... </Style>
... <Placemark>
... <name>Document Feature 1</name>
... <styleUrl>#exampleStyleDocument</styleUrl>
... <Point>
... <coordinates>-122.371,37.816,0</coordinates>
... </Point>
... </Placemark>
... <Placemark>
... <name>Document Feature 2</name>
... <styleUrl>#exampleStyleDocument</styleUrl>
... <Point>
... <coordinates>-122.370,37.817,0</coordinates>
... </Point>
... </Placemark>
... </Document>
... </kml>"""
k = kml.KML()
<fastkml.kml.Placemark object at 0x876a16c>k.features()[0].features()[1].description
'Document Feature 2'k.features()[0].features()[1].name
k.features()[0].features()[1].name = "ANOTHER NAME"
print k.to_string(prettyprint=True)
<ns0:kml xmlns:ns0="">print k.to_string(prettyprint=True)
<ns0:Style id="exampleStyleDocument">
<ns0:name>Document Feature 1</ns0:name>
<ns0:name>ANOTHER NAME</ns0:name>
Best Regards,
Christian Ledermann
Nairobi - Kenya
Mobile : +254 702978914
If you save the living environment, the biodiversity that we have left,
you will also automatically save the physical environment, too. But If
you only save the physical environment, you will ultimately lose both.
1) Don?t drive species to extinction
2) Don?t destroy a habitat that species rely on.
3) Don?t change the climate in ways that will result in the above.