[Community] Shapely and affine transformations
Matthias Blaicher
2013-12-03 14:07:16 UTC

I'm currently using Shapely for optical computer chip design and the
first prototypes work great. The only thing I am not satisfied with is
the speed. I first assumed this to be caused by all the geometry
operations I do, but after profiling it looks like most of the time is
spent doing simple affine transformations, especially in affine_transform.

Is this just my own impression or is it a known area which needs
performance improvements?

Mike Toews
2013-12-05 20:00:06 UTC
Hi Matthias,

The bottleneck is due to reading coordinates from a geometry, doing
the transform on each vertex/point, then re-creating a new geometry.
This is done in Python.

A faster approach would be to do an in-place geometry edit, where the
coordinate sequences are modified without requiring the geometry to be
re-created. One way to do this is to implement this with GEOS, but
that development won't happen quickly or easily (requires lots of C++
and C-API patching).

There might be a way to use the existing GEOSGeom_getCoordSeq then
GEOSCoordSeq_setX/Y/Z to modify coordinates of geometries in-place. I
have no idea if this could work, or if it would be faster.

Post by Matthias Blaicher
I'm currently using Shapely for optical computer chip design and the
first prototypes work great. The only thing I am not satisfied with is
the speed. I first assumed this to be caused by all the geometry
operations I do, but after profiling it looks like most of the time is
spent doing simple affine transformations, especially in affine_transform.
Is this just my own impression or is it a known area which needs
performance improvements?
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Sean Gillies
2013-12-08 06:51:37 UTC
Hi Mike, Matthias,

We could rewrite the affinity module as a C extension using Cython like in
shapely/speedups/_speedups.pyx. It would certainly be faster.

Can one of you create an issue at
https://github.com/Toblerity/Shapely/issues if you're seriously interested?
Post by Mike Toews
Hi Matthias,
The bottleneck is due to reading coordinates from a geometry, doing
the transform on each vertex/point, then re-creating a new geometry.
This is done in Python.
A faster approach would be to do an in-place geometry edit, where the
coordinate sequences are modified without requiring the geometry to be
re-created. One way to do this is to implement this with GEOS, but
that development won't happen quickly or easily (requires lots of C++
and C-API patching).
There might be a way to use the existing GEOSGeom_getCoordSeq then
GEOSCoordSeq_setX/Y/Z to modify coordinates of geometries in-place. I
have no idea if this could work, or if it would be faster.
Post by Matthias Blaicher
I'm currently using Shapely for optical computer chip design and the
first prototypes work great. The only thing I am not satisfied with is
the speed. I first assumed this to be caused by all the geometry
operations I do, but after profiling it looks like most of the time is
spent doing simple affine transformations, especially in
Post by Matthias Blaicher
Is this just my own impression or is it a known area which needs
performance improvements?
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Sean Gillies
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