[Community] Is it possible to clip a shapefile w/ a shapefile like you do in ogr?
Ari Simmons
2014-06-02 20:25:36 UTC
Hi all,

I am researching if it is possible to use shapely (or fiona -- but I
suspect shapely is the engine for this) to clip a shapefile similar to how
you do in ogr ...

ogr2ogr -f ?ESRI Shapefile? -clipsrc c:/sourcedir/sourcefile.shp
c:/outputdir/outputfile.shp c:/extentfiledir/extentfile.shp
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Claudia Engel
2014-06-02 21:54:31 UTC
Is object.intersection(other) what you might be looking for?
Post by Ari Simmons
Hi all,
I am researching if it is possible to use shapely (or fiona -- but I suspect shapely is the engine for this) to clip a shapefile similar to how you do in ogr ...
ogr2ogr -f ?ESRI Shapefile? -clipsrc c:/sourcedir/sourcefile.shp c:/outputdir/outputfile.shp c:/extentfiledir/extentfile.shp
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