[Community] EWKT/EWKB support in Shapely
Matthias Uden
2014-05-06 08:40:45 UTC
Hi list,

I'm new to Shapely and I just recognised, that exporting EWKT/EWKB is
not supported, only plain WKT/WKB. [1]
I'm not entirely sure but I think GEOS supports including the SRID? [2]

Are there any plans on supporting this feature in future Shapely releases?

AFAIK, the only other possibility to export EWKT/EWKB with Python would
then be to use the Django
GEOS binding, which supports it, cf. [3].
However, I'd like to avoid using Django because it is a bit of an
overhead for my project
since I'm not doing any web development but rather backend geodata

If anyone can think of other possibilities instead, please let me know.
Any help is appreciated, thanks a lot in advance!


[1] - http://toblerity.org/shapely/manual.html#well-known-formats
[2] - http://geos.osgeo.org/doxygen/classgeos_1_1io_1_1WKBWriter.html
[3] -
Sean Gillies
2014-05-06 14:02:27 UTC
Hi Matthias,

There are no plans in Shapely for extended WKB or WKT. I recommend
inserting the SRID value into the text or byte strings from Shapely.
Something like

ewkt = ";".join(["SRID=4326", wkt])

On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 2:40 AM, Matthias Uden
Post by Matthias Uden
Hi list,
I'm new to Shapely and I just recognised, that exporting EWKT/EWKB is not
supported, only plain WKT/WKB. [1]
I'm not entirely sure but I think GEOS supports including the SRID? [2]
Are there any plans on supporting this feature in future Shapely releases?
AFAIK, the only other possibility to export EWKT/EWKB with Python would
then be to use the Django
GEOS binding, which supports it, cf. [3].
However, I'd like to avoid using Django because it is a bit of an overhead
for my project
since I'm not doing any web development but rather backend geodata
If anyone can think of other possibilities instead, please let me know.
Any help is appreciated, thanks a lot in advance!
[1] - http://toblerity.org/shapely/manual.html#well-known-formats
[2] - http://geos.osgeo.org/doxygen/classgeos_1_1io_1_1WKBWriter.html
[3] - https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/gis/
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Mike Toews
2014-05-06 23:15:30 UTC
Hi Matthias,

The Writers from GEOS already use the EWKB dialect (rather than the
ISO dialect) of WKB, however by default these outputs are turned off
to not include SRID and not output Z coordinates. More on that here

To hack shapely to include SRIDs, this is what to do: modify the
WKBWritier default to include SRID (default is False), and set the
SRID to the geometry using a GEOS call.

from shapely import geos
from shapely.geometry import Point

geos.WKBWriter.defaults['include_srid'] = True

p = Point(1,2)
geos.lgeos.GEOSSetSRID(p._geom, 4326)

This could be a simple feature request, where the setters and getters
to an 'srid' property on BaseGeometry are simply mapped to GEOSGetSRID
/ GEOSSetSRID. Thus it would look like:

p.srid = 4326

As for the WKTWriter, there is no 'include_srid' option with the GEOS
C API, but this isn't too difficult to modify the Python class to
prepend 'SRID=4326' to the WKT.


[1] http://gis.stackexchange.com/a/89388/1872
Post by Matthias Uden
Hi list,
I'm new to Shapely and I just recognised, that exporting EWKT/EWKB is not
supported, only plain WKT/WKB. [1]
I'm not entirely sure but I think GEOS supports including the SRID? [2]
Are there any plans on supporting this feature in future Shapely releases?
AFAIK, the only other possibility to export EWKT/EWKB with Python would then
be to use the Django
GEOS binding, which supports it, cf. [3].
However, I'd like to avoid using Django because it is a bit of an overhead
for my project
since I'm not doing any web development but rather backend geodata
If anyone can think of other possibilities instead, please let me know.
Any help is appreciated, thanks a lot in advance!
[1] - http://toblerity.org/shapely/manual.html#well-known-formats
[2] - http://geos.osgeo.org/doxygen/classgeos_1_1io_1_1WKBWriter.html
[3] -
Matthias Uden
2014-05-07 09:06:32 UTC
Hi Mike & Sean,

thanks a lot for your quick help!
The proposed method using the direct GEOS call worked fine. I didn't
know I can modify the GEOS properties directly this way.

I'd suggest to include this in a little convenient wrapper method in
Shapely, as it should not be too hard to accomplish.
But using it this way is fine for me as well.

Thanks again and all the best,
Post by Sean Gillies
Hi Matthias,
The Writers from GEOS already use the EWKB dialect (rather than the
ISO dialect) of WKB, however by default these outputs are turned off
to not include SRID and not output Z coordinates. More on that here
To hack shapely to include SRIDs, this is what to do: modify the
WKBWritier default to include SRID (default is False), and set the
SRID to the geometry using a GEOS call.
from shapely import geos
from shapely.geometry import Point
geos.WKBWriter.defaults['include_srid'] = True
p = Point(1,2)
geos.lgeos.GEOSSetSRID(p._geom, 4326)
This could be a simple feature request, where the setters and getters
to an 'srid' property on BaseGeometry are simply mapped to GEOSGetSRID
p.srid = 4326
As for the WKTWriter, there is no 'include_srid' option with the GEOS
C API, but this isn't too difficult to modify the Python class to
prepend 'SRID=4326' to the WKT.
[1] http://gis.stackexchange.com/a/89388/1872
Post by Matthias Uden
Hi list,
I'm new to Shapely and I just recognised, that exporting EWKT/EWKB is not
supported, only plain WKT/WKB. [1]
I'm not entirely sure but I think GEOS supports including the SRID? [2]
Are there any plans on supporting this feature in future Shapely releases?
AFAIK, the only other possibility to export EWKT/EWKB with Python would then
be to use the Django
GEOS binding, which supports it, cf. [3].
However, I'd like to avoid using Django because it is a bit of an overhead
for my project
since I'm not doing any web development but rather backend geodata
If anyone can think of other possibilities instead, please let me know.
Any help is appreciated, thanks a lot in advance!
[1] - http://toblerity.org/shapely/manual.html#well-known-formats
[2] - http://geos.osgeo.org/doxygen/classgeos_1_1io_1_1WKBWriter.html
[3] -
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Michael Nolde
2014-05-09 12:14:27 UTC
Hi there,

I noticed some strange behavior when reading float values from shapefile
attributes with fiona.
In the attribute table, I have the following values (type of column is
1.5, 613.0, 0.9

but when I open the shapefile with fiona and read the attributes with
something like:

somevar = float(item['properties']['VAR'])
I get: 1.0, 613.0, 0.0

So the values seem to be rounded down. Am I missing something? Could
this be a bug?
The fiona version I use is: 1.1.4 (Python 2.7.6 on Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit).

Best regards,

Dr. rer. nat. Michael Nolde
Christian-Albrechts-Universit?t zu Kiel
Geographisches Institut (Sektion Geographie)
Neufeldtstra?e 10, Laurispark - Geb. 32, 24118 Kiel
Tel.: 0431 880-4909
E-Mail: nolde at geographie.uni-kiel.de
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Sean Gillies
2014-05-09 19:32:04 UTC
Hi Michael,

I can't reproduce this error with any data I have. Can you put your
shapefile up for download and tell me which field(s) are the ones being
rounded? I'll take a look if you can.


On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 6:14 AM, Michael Nolde
Post by Michael Nolde
Hi there,
I noticed some strange behavior when reading float values from shapefile
attributes with fiona.
In the attribute table, I have the following values (type of column is
1.5, 613.0, 0.9
but when I open the shapefile with fiona and read the attributes with
somevar = float(item['properties']['VAR'])
I get: 1.0, 613.0, 0.0
So the values seem to be rounded down. Am I missing something? Could this
be a bug?
The fiona version I use is: 1.1.4 (Python 2.7.6 on Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit).
Best regards,
Dr. rer. nat. Michael Nolde
Christian-Albrechts-Universit?t zu Kiel
Geographisches Institut (Sektion Geographie)
Neufeldtstra?e 10, Laurispark - Geb. 32, 24118 Kiel
Tel.: 0431 880-4909
E-Mail: nolde at geographie.uni-kiel.de
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Community at lists.gispython.org
Sean Gillies
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Michael Nolde
2014-05-09 22:34:52 UTC
Hi Sean,

I uploaded the shapefile together with a demo script here:

Executing the script produces the following output with my setup:
Item Nr. 0 : 1.0
Item Nr. 1 : 613.0
Item Nr. 2 : 1.0
Item Nr. 3 : 0.0
Item Nr. 4 : 1.0
Item Nr. 5 : 1.0
Item Nr. 6 : 0.0
Item Nr. 7 : 1.0
Item Nr. 8 : 1.0
Item Nr. 9 : 500.0

while the output should be:
Item Nr. 0 : 1.5
Item Nr. 1 : 613.0
Item Nr. 2 : 1.5
Item Nr. 3 : 0.94

The attribute field used is named 'LEISTUNG'.
I'm probably just doing something wrong here, but I'm really stuck.
Thank you very much for your support, this is highly appreciated!

Best regards (and since this is my first post here, hello to everybody).

Post by Sean Gillies
Hi Michael,
I can't reproduce this error with any data I have. Can you put your
shapefile up for download and tell me which field(s) are the ones being
rounded? I'll take a look if you can.
On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 6:14 AM, Michael Nolde
Post by Michael Nolde
Hi there,
I noticed some strange behavior when reading float values from shapefile
attributes with fiona.
In the attribute table, I have the following values (type of column is
1.5, 613.0, 0.9
but when I open the shapefile with fiona and read the attributes with
somevar = float(item['properties']['VAR'])
I get: 1.0, 613.0, 0.0
So the values seem to be rounded down. Am I missing something? Could this
be a bug?
The fiona version I use is: 1.1.4 (Python 2.7.6 on Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit).
Best regards,
Dr. rer. nat. Michael Nolde
Christian-Albrechts-Universit?t zu Kiel
Geographisches Institut (Sektion Geographie)
Neufeldtstra?e 10, Laurispark - Geb. 32, 24118 Kiel
Tel.: 0431 880-4909
E-Mail: nolde at geographie.uni-kiel.de
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Sean Gillies
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Sean Gillies
2014-05-10 16:03:31 UTC

I see what you mean. GDAL's ogrinfo reports the same as Fiona:

LEISTUNG (Real) = 1.000000000000000
EINHEIT (String) = MW
BEZUG (String) = FWL
POINT (506130.0 6071821.0)

fid (String) = Nolde_Uni_Kiel_Biogas_WKA_Tabelle_Febr_2014_BGA_25832.93
BST_NR (Real) = 54001325650.000000000000000
ANL_NR (String) = 0001
ANLAGENBEZ (String) = Biogasanlage
VIERTE_BIM (String) =
AN_RW (Integer) = 32503337
AN_HW (Integer) = 6073281
LEISTUNG (Real) = 613.000000000000000
EINHEIT (String) = kW
BEZUG (String) = elektr. Leistung
POINT (503337.000000000116415 6073281.0)

fid (String) = Nolde_Uni_Kiel_Biogas_WKA_Tabelle_Febr_2014_BGA_25832.94
BST_NR (Real) = 54001325650.000000000000000
ANL_NR (String) = 0001
ANLAGENBEZ (String) = Biogasanlage
VIERTE_BIM (String) =
AN_RW (Integer) = 32503337
AN_HW (Integer) = 6073281
LEISTUNG (Real) = 1.000000000000000
EINHEIT (String) = MW
BEZUG (String) = FWL
POINT (503337.000000000116415 6073281.0)

I opened the test.dbf file in OpenOffice and also saw rounded values.

What software did you use to create the shapefile? With what software are
you seeing the values [1.5, 613.0, 1.5]? Is it possible that precision is
being lost when writing the shapefile?
Post by Michael Nolde
Hi Sean,
Item Nr. 0 : 1.0
Item Nr. 1 : 613.0
Item Nr. 2 : 1.0
Item Nr. 3 : 0.0
Item Nr. 4 : 1.0
Item Nr. 5 : 1.0
Item Nr. 6 : 0.0
Item Nr. 7 : 1.0
Item Nr. 8 : 1.0
Item Nr. 9 : 500.0
Item Nr. 0 : 1.5
Item Nr. 1 : 613.0
Item Nr. 2 : 1.5
Item Nr. 3 : 0.94
The attribute field used is named 'LEISTUNG'.
I'm probably just doing something wrong here, but I'm really stuck.
Thank you very much for your support, this is highly appreciated!
Best regards (and since this is my first post here, hello to everybody).
Post by Sean Gillies
Hi Michael,
I can't reproduce this error with any data I have. Can you put your
shapefile up for download and tell me which field(s) are the ones being
rounded? I'll take a look if you can.
On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 6:14 AM, Michael Nolde
Post by Michael Nolde
Hi there,
I noticed some strange behavior when reading float values from shapefile
attributes with fiona.
In the attribute table, I have the following values (type of column is
1.5, 613.0, 0.9
but when I open the shapefile with fiona and read the attributes with
somevar = float(item['properties']['VAR'])
I get: 1.0, 613.0, 0.0
So the values seem to be rounded down. Am I missing something? Could this
be a bug?
The fiona version I use is: 1.1.4 (Python 2.7.6 on Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit).
Best regards,
Dr. rer. nat. Michael Nolde
Christian-Albrechts-Universit?t zu Kiel
Geographisches Institut (Sektion Geographie)
Neufeldtstra?e 10, Laurispark - Geb. 32, 24118 Kiel
Tel.: 0431 880-4909
E-Mail: nolde at geographie.uni-kiel.de
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Sean Gillies
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Sean Gillies
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Michael Nolde
2014-05-10 17:08:56 UTC
Dear Sean,

this is weird. You're right, I also get rounded values in Open Office,
ogrinfo and in
GRASS. However, when I open the file in QGIS (both version 2.0 and 2.2), I
see decimal places (as is supposedly correct).
See this screenshot: Loading Image...
So the information was not lost during creation of the shapefile.
And funny enough, if I don't use OpenOffice calc but 'Gnumeric', I also see
the correct entries with deciamal places
(Loading Image...).
This leaves me somewhat confused.

I originally created the file from an XLS-Spreadsheet using the QGIS csv
import tool. My guess now is that the different output originates from
some country specific settings inside the software packages used, maybe
some issue with dot or comma being used as seperator. However, the
original file is displayed correctly in both Open Office and Gnumeric.

Well, whatever it is, it is pretty obvious that the problem does not lie
with fiona. I'm not sure how to proceed. Any suggestions?

Have a nice weekend!
Post by Sean Gillies
LEISTUNG (Real) = 1.000000000000000
EINHEIT (String) = MW
BEZUG (String) = FWL
POINT (506130.0 6071821.0)
fid (String) = Nolde_Uni_Kiel_Biogas_WKA_Tabelle_Febr_2014_BGA_25832.93
BST_NR (Real) = 54001325650.000000000000000
ANL_NR (String) = 0001
ANLAGENBEZ (String) = Biogasanlage
VIERTE_BIM (String) =
AN_RW (Integer) = 32503337
AN_HW (Integer) = 6073281
LEISTUNG (Real) = 613.000000000000000
EINHEIT (String) = kW
BEZUG (String) = elektr. Leistung
POINT (503337.000000000116415 6073281.0)
fid (String) = Nolde_Uni_Kiel_Biogas_WKA_Tabelle_Febr_2014_BGA_25832.94
BST_NR (Real) = 54001325650.000000000000000
ANL_NR (String) = 0001
ANLAGENBEZ (String) = Biogasanlage
VIERTE_BIM (String) =
AN_RW (Integer) = 32503337
AN_HW (Integer) = 6073281
LEISTUNG (Real) = 1.000000000000000
EINHEIT (String) = MW
BEZUG (String) = FWL
POINT (503337.000000000116415 6073281.0)
I opened the test.dbf file in OpenOffice and also saw rounded values.
What software did you use to create the shapefile? With what software are
you seeing the values [1.5, 613.0, 1.5]? Is it possible that precision is
being lost when writing the shapefile?
On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 4:34 PM, Michael Nolde
Post by Michael Nolde
Hi Sean,
Item Nr. 0 : 1.0
Item Nr. 1 : 613.0
Item Nr. 2 : 1.0
Item Nr. 3 : 0.0
Item Nr. 4 : 1.0
Item Nr. 5 : 1.0
Item Nr. 6 : 0.0
Item Nr. 7 : 1.0
Item Nr. 8 : 1.0
Item Nr. 9 : 500.0
Item Nr. 0 : 1.5
Item Nr. 1 : 613.0
Item Nr. 2 : 1.5
Item Nr. 3 : 0.94
The attribute field used is named 'LEISTUNG'.
I'm probably just doing something wrong here, but I'm really stuck.
Thank you very much for your support, this is highly appreciated!
Best regards (and since this is my first post here, hello to everybody).
Post by Sean Gillies
Hi Michael,
I can't reproduce this error with any data I have. Can you put your
shapefile up for download and tell me which field(s) are the ones
Post by Sean Gillies
rounded? I'll take a look if you can.
On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 6:14 AM, Michael Nolde
Post by Michael Nolde
Hi there,
I noticed some strange behavior when reading float values from
Post by Sean Gillies
Post by Michael Nolde
attributes with fiona.
In the attribute table, I have the following values (type of column
Post by Sean Gillies
Post by Michael Nolde
1.5, 613.0, 0.9
but when I open the shapefile with fiona and read the attributes with
somevar = float(item['properties']['VAR'])
I get: 1.0, 613.0, 0.0
So the values seem to be rounded down. Am I missing something? Could this
be a bug?
The fiona version I use is: 1.1.4 (Python 2.7.6 on Ubuntu 14.04 64
Post by Sean Gillies
Post by Michael Nolde
Best regards,
Dr. rer. nat. Michael Nolde
Christian-Albrechts-Universit?t zu Kiel
Geographisches Institut (Sektion Geographie)
Neufeldtstra?e 10, Laurispark - Geb. 32, 24118 Kiel
Tel.: 0431 880-4909
E-Mail: nolde at geographie.uni-kiel.de
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Sean Gillies
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Sean Gillies
Dipl.-Geogr. Michael Nolde

Zentrum f?r Geoinformation (ZfG)
Christian-Albrechts-Universit?t zu Kiel
Boschstr. 1
24118 Kiel

Telefon: (0431) 23952115
E-Mail: mnolde at gis.uni-kiel.de
Sean Gillies
2014-05-10 17:23:42 UTC
Looks like it's a known issue, and fixed 3 months ago:

On Sat, May 10, 2014 at 11:08 AM, Michael Nolde <
Post by Michael Nolde
Dear Sean,
this is weird. You're right, I also get rounded values in Open Office,
ogrinfo and in
GRASS. However, when I open the file in QGIS (both version 2.0 and 2.2), I
see decimal places (as is supposedly correct).
See this screenshot: http://www.flatpolar.org/floatval_qgis22.png
So the information was not lost during creation of the shapefile.
And funny enough, if I don't use OpenOffice calc but 'Gnumeric', I also see
the correct entries with deciamal places
This leaves me somewhat confused.
I originally created the file from an XLS-Spreadsheet using the QGIS csv
import tool. My guess now is that the different output originates from
some country specific settings inside the software packages used, maybe
some issue with dot or comma being used as seperator. However, the
original file is displayed correctly in both Open Office and Gnumeric.
Well, whatever it is, it is pretty obvious that the problem does not lie
with fiona. I'm not sure how to proceed. Any suggestions?
Have a nice weekend!
Post by Sean Gillies
LEISTUNG (Real) = 1.000000000000000
EINHEIT (String) = MW
BEZUG (String) = FWL
POINT (506130.0 6071821.0)
fid (String) = Nolde_Uni_Kiel_Biogas_WKA_Tabelle_Febr_2014_BGA_25832.93
BST_NR (Real) = 54001325650.000000000000000
ANL_NR (String) = 0001
ANLAGENBEZ (String) = Biogasanlage
VIERTE_BIM (String) =
AN_RW (Integer) = 32503337
AN_HW (Integer) = 6073281
LEISTUNG (Real) = 613.000000000000000
EINHEIT (String) = kW
BEZUG (String) = elektr. Leistung
POINT (503337.000000000116415 6073281.0)
fid (String) = Nolde_Uni_Kiel_Biogas_WKA_Tabelle_Febr_2014_BGA_25832.94
BST_NR (Real) = 54001325650.000000000000000
ANL_NR (String) = 0001
ANLAGENBEZ (String) = Biogasanlage
VIERTE_BIM (String) =
AN_RW (Integer) = 32503337
AN_HW (Integer) = 6073281
LEISTUNG (Real) = 1.000000000000000
EINHEIT (String) = MW
BEZUG (String) = FWL
POINT (503337.000000000116415 6073281.0)
I opened the test.dbf file in OpenOffice and also saw rounded values.
What software did you use to create the shapefile? With what software are
you seeing the values [1.5, 613.0, 1.5]? Is it possible that precision is
being lost when writing the shapefile?
On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 4:34 PM, Michael Nolde
Post by Michael Nolde
Hi Sean,
Item Nr. 0 : 1.0
Item Nr. 1 : 613.0
Item Nr. 2 : 1.0
Item Nr. 3 : 0.0
Item Nr. 4 : 1.0
Item Nr. 5 : 1.0
Item Nr. 6 : 0.0
Item Nr. 7 : 1.0
Item Nr. 8 : 1.0
Item Nr. 9 : 500.0
Item Nr. 0 : 1.5
Item Nr. 1 : 613.0
Item Nr. 2 : 1.5
Item Nr. 3 : 0.94
The attribute field used is named 'LEISTUNG'.
I'm probably just doing something wrong here, but I'm really stuck.
Thank you very much for your support, this is highly appreciated!
Best regards (and since this is my first post here, hello to everybody).
Post by Sean Gillies
Hi Michael,
I can't reproduce this error with any data I have. Can you put your
shapefile up for download and tell me which field(s) are the ones
Post by Sean Gillies
rounded? I'll take a look if you can.
On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 6:14 AM, Michael Nolde
Post by Michael Nolde
Hi there,
I noticed some strange behavior when reading float values from
Post by Sean Gillies
Post by Michael Nolde
attributes with fiona.
In the attribute table, I have the following values (type of column
Post by Sean Gillies
Post by Michael Nolde
1.5, 613.0, 0.9
but when I open the shapefile with fiona and read the attributes with
somevar = float(item['properties']['VAR'])
I get: 1.0, 613.0, 0.0
So the values seem to be rounded down. Am I missing something? Could this
be a bug?
The fiona version I use is: 1.1.4 (Python 2.7.6 on Ubuntu 14.04 64
Post by Sean Gillies
Post by Michael Nolde
Best regards,
Dr. rer. nat. Michael Nolde
Christian-Albrechts-Universit?t zu Kiel
Geographisches Institut (Sektion Geographie)
Neufeldtstra?e 10, Laurispark - Geb. 32, 24118 Kiel
Tel.: 0431 880-4909
E-Mail: nolde at geographie.uni-kiel.de
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Community at lists.gispython.org
Sean Gillies
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Community at lists.gispython.org
Community mailing list
Community at lists.gispython.org
Sean Gillies
Dipl.-Geogr. Michael Nolde
Zentrum f?r Geoinformation (ZfG)
Christian-Albrechts-Universit?t zu Kiel
Boschstr. 1
24118 Kiel
Telefon: (0431) 23952115
E-Mail: mnolde at gis.uni-kiel.de
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Community at lists.gispython.org
Sean Gillies
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Michael Nolde
2014-05-10 17:38:45 UTC
Right, that must be it! Thanks for the clarification
and the testing,

best regards,
Post by Sean Gillies
On Sat, May 10, 2014 at 11:08 AM, Michael Nolde <
Post by Michael Nolde
Dear Sean,
this is weird. You're right, I also get rounded values in Open Office,
ogrinfo and in
GRASS. However, when I open the file in QGIS (both version 2.0 and 2.2), I
see decimal places (as is supposedly correct).
See this screenshot: http://www.flatpolar.org/floatval_qgis22.png
So the information was not lost during creation of the shapefile.
And funny enough, if I don't use OpenOffice calc but 'Gnumeric', I also see
the correct entries with deciamal places
This leaves me somewhat confused.
I originally created the file from an XLS-Spreadsheet using the QGIS csv
import tool. My guess now is that the different output originates from
some country specific settings inside the software packages used, maybe
some issue with dot or comma being used as seperator. However, the
original file is displayed correctly in both Open Office and Gnumeric.
Well, whatever it is, it is pretty obvious that the problem does not lie
with fiona. I'm not sure how to proceed. Any suggestions?
Have a nice weekend!
Post by Sean Gillies
LEISTUNG (Real) = 1.000000000000000
EINHEIT (String) = MW
BEZUG (String) = FWL
POINT (506130.0 6071821.0)
fid (String) =
Post by Sean Gillies
BST_NR (Real) = 54001325650.000000000000000
ANL_NR (String) = 0001
ANLAGENBEZ (String) = Biogasanlage
VIERTE_BIM (String) =
AN_RW (Integer) = 32503337
AN_HW (Integer) = 6073281
LEISTUNG (Real) = 613.000000000000000
EINHEIT (String) = kW
BEZUG (String) = elektr. Leistung
POINT (503337.000000000116415 6073281.0)
fid (String) =
Post by Sean Gillies
BST_NR (Real) = 54001325650.000000000000000
ANL_NR (String) = 0001
ANLAGENBEZ (String) = Biogasanlage
VIERTE_BIM (String) =
AN_RW (Integer) = 32503337
AN_HW (Integer) = 6073281
LEISTUNG (Real) = 1.000000000000000
EINHEIT (String) = MW
BEZUG (String) = FWL
POINT (503337.000000000116415 6073281.0)
I opened the test.dbf file in OpenOffice and also saw rounded values.
What software did you use to create the shapefile? With what software
Post by Sean Gillies
you seeing the values [1.5, 613.0, 1.5]? Is it possible that precision
Post by Sean Gillies
being lost when writing the shapefile?
On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 4:34 PM, Michael Nolde
Post by Michael Nolde
Hi Sean,
Item Nr. 0 : 1.0
Item Nr. 1 : 613.0
Item Nr. 2 : 1.0
Item Nr. 3 : 0.0
Item Nr. 4 : 1.0
Item Nr. 5 : 1.0
Item Nr. 6 : 0.0
Item Nr. 7 : 1.0
Item Nr. 8 : 1.0
Item Nr. 9 : 500.0
Item Nr. 0 : 1.5
Item Nr. 1 : 613.0
Item Nr. 2 : 1.5
Item Nr. 3 : 0.94
The attribute field used is named 'LEISTUNG'.
I'm probably just doing something wrong here, but I'm really stuck.
Thank you very much for your support, this is highly appreciated!
Best regards (and since this is my first post here, hello to
Post by Sean Gillies
Post by Michael Nolde
Post by Sean Gillies
Hi Michael,
I can't reproduce this error with any data I have. Can you put your
shapefile up for download and tell me which field(s) are the ones
Post by Sean Gillies
rounded? I'll take a look if you can.
On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 6:14 AM, Michael Nolde
Post by Michael Nolde
Hi there,
I noticed some strange behavior when reading float values from
Post by Sean Gillies
Post by Michael Nolde
attributes with fiona.
In the attribute table, I have the following values (type of
Post by Sean Gillies
Post by Michael Nolde
Post by Sean Gillies
Post by Michael Nolde
1.5, 613.0, 0.9
but when I open the shapefile with fiona and read the attributes
Post by Sean Gillies
Post by Michael Nolde
Post by Sean Gillies
Post by Michael Nolde
somevar = float(item['properties']['VAR'])
I get: 1.0, 613.0, 0.0
So the values seem to be rounded down. Am I missing something?
Post by Sean Gillies
Post by Michael Nolde
Post by Sean Gillies
Post by Michael Nolde
be a bug?
The fiona version I use is: 1.1.4 (Python 2.7.6 on Ubuntu 14.04 64
Post by Sean Gillies
Post by Michael Nolde
Best regards,
Dr. rer. nat. Michael Nolde
Christian-Albrechts-Universit?t zu Kiel
Geographisches Institut (Sektion Geographie)
Neufeldtstra?e 10, Laurispark - Geb. 32, 24118 Kiel
Tel.: 0431 880-4909
E-Mail: nolde at geographie.uni-kiel.de
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Sean Gillies
Community mailing list
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Community mailing list
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Sean Gillies
Dipl.-Geogr. Michael Nolde
Zentrum f?r Geoinformation (ZfG)
Christian-Albrechts-Universit?t zu Kiel
Boschstr. 1
24118 Kiel
Telefon: (0431) 23952115
E-Mail: mnolde at gis.uni-kiel.de
Community mailing list
Community at lists.gispython.org
Sean Gillies
Dipl.-Geogr. Michael Nolde

Zentrum f?r Geoinformation (ZfG)
Christian-Albrechts-Universit?t zu Kiel
Boschstr. 1
24118 Kiel

Telefon: (0431) 23952115
E-Mail: mnolde at gis.uni-kiel.de
Mike Toews
2014-05-14 11:44:18 UTC
Post by Matthias Uden
Hi Mike & Sean,
thanks a lot for your quick help!
The proposed method using the direct GEOS call worked fine. I didn't know I
can modify the GEOS properties directly this way.
I'd suggest to include this in a little convenient wrapper method in
Shapely, as it should not be too hard to accomplish.
But using it this way is fine for me as well.
Thanks again and all the best,
Check out: https://github.com/Toblerity/Shapely/pull/132
