Oliver Christen
2011-06-16 10:29:01 UTC
dear list
I have a Mapfish project using Shapely 1.2.10
and my apache error logs are getting cluttered by such error message:
[Wed Jun 15 15:35:16 2011] [error] Exception exceptions.AttributeError:
"'LGEOS16LR' object has no attribute 'GEOSGeom_destroy'" in <bound
method MultiLineString.__del__ of
<shapely.geometry.multilinestring.MultiLineString object at 0x3c3ef10>>
does anyone have an idea what is the cause and what I should do to prevent such message?
thanks for any information
best regards
I have a Mapfish project using Shapely 1.2.10
and my apache error logs are getting cluttered by such error message:
[Wed Jun 15 15:35:16 2011] [error] Exception exceptions.AttributeError:
"'LGEOS16LR' object has no attribute 'GEOSGeom_destroy'" in <bound
method MultiLineString.__del__ of
<shapely.geometry.multilinestring.MultiLineString object at 0x3c3ef10>>
does anyone have an idea what is the cause and what I should do to prevent such message?
thanks for any information
best regards